About the Authors
Ivana Caccia and Maroje Mihovilović
IVANA CACCIA, née Mihovilović is Croatian by origin, Canadian by adoption, historian by education (with a PhD degree in history and Canadian studies from the University of Ottawa), and author of Managing the Canadian Mosaic in Wartime: Shaping Citizenship Policy 1939–1945 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010). The book was recognized by the Canadian Historical Association at its 2011 annual conference as the best political history publication of the preceding year. |
MAROJE MIHOVILOVIĆ is a well-known Croatian journalist and historian by education, with a lifelong career as an international reporter, political commentator, editor of a major weekly newspaper, and, lately, book editor attached to Profil, a versatile Croatian publishing house in Zagreb (Croatia). Noteworthy among his published work are Stravični poligon: Indokina (The Terrifying Polygon: Indochina), published in 1987; Profesionalni novinar (Professional Journalist), published in 2007; and Mi djeca Solferina (We, the Children of Solferino) in 2017. |